PMAS Predators – Peterborough Series

On Sunday  November the 24th 2019 a team of 8 fighters; along with coaches, parents and supporters, attended the Peterborough Open for our last competition of the year. Four of the team were novices in terms of fighting on the open circuit, however being black belts they had to obey competition rules and compete in the Advanced Category.  Each did themselves and the organisation proud and gained valuable experience from the event.

Our more experienced fighters also gave a very good account of themselves and came away with some hard-earned wins and some very close losses.


8 Fighters

12 Categories

2 Golds

3 Silvers

3 Bronzes


I would like to thank ALL who have been a part of, and supported Predators over the years.  Without which we wouldn’t have such a successful squad. Please keep up the great work you do in the clubs, your dedication to training is vital to our continued success. We are looking forward to 2020 and are already planning training dates for next year.

Nina Swaby

Predators Head Coach