Pro Martial Arts Schools - Bedford

Pro Martial Arts Schools Kickboxing Bedford | Main Sports Hall - Bedford Academy |  Mile Road |   | Bedford |  Bedfordshire |  MK42 9TR  | 07825224847

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Pro Martial Arts Schools Kickboxing Bedford | Main Sports Hall - Bedford Academy |  Mile Road |   |  Bedford |  Bedfordshire |  MK42 9TR

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Day Start Time End Time Age Group Style Class Booking
Thursday18:3019:15KickboxingBedford PMAS Kickboxing Juniors Class (5 to 12 years old)
Thursday19:3020:30KickboxingBedford PMAS Kickboxing Adults Class (13 to 50 plus years old)

Kickboxing Classes

Are you looking for a martial arts school that caters for beginners, that puts your safety first and has a friendly atmosphere? If so we have classes that are suitable for you. Our range of regular kickboxing classes are non-contact and fun to train in whilst developing fitness at the same time.

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